
How to get involved in the Lean-Agile Community and why

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A collection of pointers to get involved in the Lean-Agile Community, a prerequisites for every Lean and Agile practitioner and a required completion for every Lean and Agile framework.

Feels free to copy and distribute this post as you please. Get in touch to suggest any improvements: the catalogue of resources is a community effort!

About the Lean-Agile Community

The lean-agile community is one of the largest and most prolific worldwide community.
The lively lean-agile community is constantly innovating, refining and growing a vast and open knowledge base of ideas, techniques, and practices, and open sets of patterns that are an indispensable completion for every Lean and Agile framework.

For this reason, being connected to the lean-agile community, following the flow of new ideas and the refinement of the existing ones, and participating actively, are all prerequisites for every Lean and Agile practitioner.

Those doing the work on the ground need direct access to the lean-agile community and its knowledge base of ideas, without limitations, intermediation, or filters.

On top of that, given the social and technical nature of lean and agile, to fully grasp an idea, it’s often useful to also understand who is behind it and what the history is.

The spirit of the lean and agile community is described by the 1st sentence of the Manifesto for Agile Sofware Development:

<<We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it.>>

The lean-agile community is both global (worldwide) and local (in your geographic area, and maybe even in your company), you can meet members at conferences, meetups, on social networks, on WhatsApp or Slack groups, on lean coffees or morning breakfasts, etc.

A collection of pointers to relevant resources, maintained by the community

All the links are in this Google Spreadsheet you can copy, download, and distribute the link, as well as suggest any additions/changes using the document: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1QyLeL7JwSAevfq2SbO-u6H_Mr-sRIAYQ-FRoSxymmCA/edit?usp=sharing

For your convenience, this below is a preview of the spreadsheet: